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panama tourism and travel

Facts About Panama

Country Telephone Code: 507

Country Capital: Panama City

National Currency: Panama's official currency, the Balboa, is available only in coins and not in paper bills. The value and size of Balboa coins are equal to those of US coins. Products and services can be priced in both Balboas and US$'s.

Independence Day: November 28, 1821 (from Spain), November 3, 1903 (from Colombia)

Tourism Web Site: Visit Panama

Total Area: 29,157 sq miles (75,517 sq km)

Length: 480 miles (772 km)

Width: 37–110 miles (60–177 km)

Lattitude & longitude: 9° 0' 0' N / 80° 0' 0' W

Land boundaries: Colombia: 158 miles (225 km), Costa Rica: 205 miles (330 km) / Total–345 miles (554 km)

Coastal boundaries: 1,547 miles (2,490 km)

Highest elevation: Baru Volcano in Chiriqui Province–11,401 ft. (3,475 m)

Political Map: Panama is comprised of 10 provinces, the capitals of which are placed in brackets–Bocas del Toro (Bocas del Toro), Chiriquí (David), Coclé (Penonomé), Colón (Colón), Darién (La Palma), Herrera (Chitré), Los Santos (Las Tablas), Panamá (Panamá), Panamá Oeste (La Chorrera) and Veraguas (Santiago de Veraguas). In addition, there are three provincial-level Comarcas inhabited primarily by indigenous peoples: Guna Yala (San Blas), Ngübe-Buglé and Emberá, the latter of which is separated into two distinct regions. The provinces are further divided into 66 districts.
